1: Shipping Fee
Free shipping on any order worldwide. Our fully insured shipping takes the stress away and allows you to buy our products with confidence.
2: Shipping Orders
Orders will ship within 1-2 business days, unless noted at the time order is placed or you receive an email notice that an item in your order has been delayed. Any expected delivery dates that may be given are only estimates. Orders may be delivered in separate shipments.
3: Delivery Address
A complete and correct delivery address is essential. Once your order has been prepared for shipment or has shipped, we are unable to change the shipping address.
4: Delivery Times
Orders shipping take about 3-5 days to arrive depending on your destination. Shipping and Delivery is subject to change and will be determined at the time of order.
Register royal mail, free charge, 2-4 days
DHL/UPS,free charge,5-7days
4PX, free charge,10-20 days
Affected by Covid-19, there will be some delay on the delivery.